How Long Does It Take to Train a Dog?
How Long Does It Take to Train a Dog? Training a dog is an exciting journey that requires time, dedication, and a tailored approach. If you’re wondering how long it takes to train a dog, you’re not alone. The answer varies based on a multitude of factors, ranging from genetics to training methods. In this […]
Is it Ever Too Late to Train a Dog?
How To Fix Leash Reactivity
How To Fix Leash Reactivity Ever seen a dog at the end of their leash lunging, growing and barking at you? These dogs are often pulling their owners towards other dogs or people and looking like little Tasmanian devils. It can be a source of frustration and embarrassment for dog owners. […]
Why Does My Dog Growl When I Pet Him?
Why Does My Dog Growl When I Pet Him? Why does my dog growl when I pet him? A dog can begin growling at any age. It’s usually a combination of genetics and weak pack leadership that creates this. Some dogs are genetically pre-disposed to being more adversarial or difficult for owners. Some dogs […]
4 Simple Tips for Dog Training and Rehabilitation
4 Simple Tips for Dog Training and Rehabilitation Hi everyone, I am a balanced dog trainer in Portland, Oregon. If you are overwhelmed with your dog, look no further. Here is a guide with 4 simple tips for dog training and rehabilitation. This information will really help to turn things issues around with your dog. […]
Teaching “No” in Balanced Dog Training
Teaching “No” in Balanced Dog Training: How to Correct Your Dog Wondering how to actually get your dog to listen to the word, “no?” Are you feeling like you say “no” a lot and get a blank stare from your dog? I’m a balanced dog trainer in Portland, Oregon. Often times when people reach out […]
Your Relationship With Your Dog Is a Feedback Loop
Your Relationship With Your Dog Is a Feedback Loop A lot of people think a balanced dog trainer can “fix” their dog and their issues. The reality is that the relationship you have with your dog is a two-way street. Many people don’t realize that the dynamics that occur between an owner and […]
Are E-Collars Humane in Dog Training?
Are E-Collars Humane in Dog Training I am a balanced dog trainer in Portland. I actually used to think e-collars were inhumane, but after getting a dog with serious behavioral issues, I discovered how amazing they were. Here’s the deal. Not only do I think e-collars are great, I believe that without e-collars you […]
From Training Horses to Training Dogs
From Training Horses to Training Dogs Throwback to when I used to ride horses. 1st photo: before training without the cowboy. 2nd photo: after training with the cowboy. 3rd photo: the cowboy. In the left photo above, you’ll notice my horse’ head is perpendicular to the ground and he has a curve on the top […]
Nurturing not Coddling
Nurturing not Coddling I read a recent article on the difference between nurturing and coddling in parenting. This led me to look up the dictionary definition of “coddling:” To treat with extreme or excessive care or kindness; to treat with indulgence; to pamper. We can easily see the pitfalls of over-indulgence or pampering. I always […]