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Balanced Dog Training Basics:  What the Critics Don’t Tell you 

By – Ren Marshall

A 34 page comprehensive guide to balanced dog training giving you the key concepts and theory to ensure your success in getting a better relationship with your dog.

If you have ever felt confused about dog psychology and how to get better results, look no further.

This guide is designed for people starting out on the path of balanced dog training that need to understand how it works in conjunction with tools and pack leadership.  If you feel you want to “get more out of your dog,” while improving your quality of life, this book is for you!  This is required reading for all of my clients and I go over the basics I teach that I have learned over the years from studying from some of the best balanced dog trainers in the country.

What’s Included?

  • Learning theory of Operant Conditioning
  • Types of Dogs
  • Key Terms for maximum success in dog training
  • The 3 Survival Drives
  • Creating a calmer dog
  • The importance of energy
  • Basic obedience and training drills
  • Positive and negative reinforcement
  • Stopping behavioral issues
  • The history of dogs
  • Theory of prong collar training
  • Theory of E-collar training


This book is a “must have” for any owner that is struggling and needs clarity on how to approach behavioral issues and training with their dogs.  I recommend hiring a professional balanced trainer for hands-on help.  I assist people with dog training in Portland, Oregon. Shop Now!

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